Our final project in this class, was a small website application. We took a picture of ourselves using the camera built into the mac. We then edited the photo in Photoshop.
We each chose a quote about the future... I decided to use a quote by Albert Einstein that says "I never think of the future. It comes soon enough".
We then put our quote into flash and made it scroll from the bottom to the top of the screen.
We set up an html file in Dreamweaver with our picture, simultaneously.
We were then asked to created a small audio track to play as our quote scroll on the screen. I recorded my voice and payed around with it... making a laugh track in a way.
This audio file was attached as a second layer in Flash and then both things were saved as an swf file.
Following this step, I linked the swf file to my picture in Dreamweaver.
Final Product: When you click on the image of me (like a link), you see the scrolling quote with the audio file in the background.
I found this project to be pretty self explanatory. I took 102B(New Media 2) last year, so I have played around with both flash and dreamweaver before... which I found to be helpful. All in all however, it was not very difficult. I enjoyed seeing the final product.
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